NFT Generation

In MVP each NFT is worth an equal amount of profit sharing.

Fields common to all NFTs:

  • animation_url - URL linking to the animation

  • royalty_amount - 0

  • copyright_transfer - no

  • address - Token contract address on the chain

  • resellable - yes

  • original_creator - Y-Foundry DAO

  • edition_number - 1

  • url -

  • file_key - The downloadable file for the NFT

  • name - Name of the artwork from NFT Artist

  • ticker image - The URL linking to the NFT artwork’s image file

  • Amount of Funds Contributed

  • Percentage of Performance Fee

  • Distribution title

  • Name of the Vault

  • Metadata Proposal #

Strategist NFTs


  • 5% (this is the default bonus for strategist)

  • Additional percentage of stablecoin value contributed, based on contribution to vault funding amount

Specific fields:

  • Strategist_address - Address of first owner

  • edition_total - defined by amount deposited

Booster NFTs


  • Unique Image

  • Individual Booster NFT based on 67% minus the Strategist NFT %

Specific fields:

  • Booster_address - Address of first owner

  • edition_total - Defined by amount deposited by the strategist

Treasury NFTs


  • Unique Image - 33 NFTs that each have 1% distribution rights

  • Special mark on NFT to denote treasury origin, i.e. gold border, seal/badge

Specific fields:

  • Treasury_address - Address of the Treasury

  • edition_total - 33.

Last updated