
Below you will find the definitions for some commonly used terms in this whitepaper.


The governance token of Y-Foundry DAO.


Shorthand for Y-Foundry DAO.

Absolute majority

When a vote outcome receives more than 50% of the votes cast.


A person who contributes to the development costs of a vault is a Booster. The act of doing so is called Boosting. An NFT is issued to Boosters as a record of their Boosting activity.


The smart contract that gives users governance powers by committing their $YFD to a Forging Period. $YFD held in the Forge contract are represented as fYFD and grant a user the ability to vote on proposals, become a Booster, and more.

Forging Period

The number of blocks a user’s $YFD is held by the Forge contract as fYFD before reclaimable as $YFD. The governance power of a user’s fYFD is proportionate length of the selected Forging Period multiplied by block equivalent of time it is forged for (between 2 - 104 weeks).


The governance value of a user’s locked $YFD tokens. fYFD represent $YFD tokens that are deposited into the Forge. Once deposited, fYFD has a Forging Period, during which it gradually unlocks. For example, a user who locks in their $YFD for 1 year will have unlocked roughly 33% of their tokens in 120 days, or 50% in 180 days, or 100% after 365 days.


In voting, when an outcome receives more votes than any other but may not necessarily achieve an absolute majority.


A person who designs a strategy. They earn performance fees on any vaults that they successfully launch.


The term investment strategy refers to a set of principles designed to help an individual investor achieve their financial and investment goals. This plan is what guides an investor’s decisions based on goals, risk tolerance, and future needs for capital. (Investopedia)

Unlock Block

The block at which $YFD deposited in the Forge Contract becomes available for withdrawal.


A smart contract that allows users to deposit tokens in order to perform a specified function (strategy).

First generation vaults can only auto-compound rewards Second generation vaults require a human operator to act on market contingencies Third generation vaults have intelligent behavior and decision-making in place of a human operator.

Last updated